Monday to Friday 8:00-12:00
Monday & Thursday 14:30-18:30
Graf-Lehndorff-Str. 1a 81829 Munich-Riem
naturopathic treatment
Burnout syndrome, chronic exhaustion and susceptibility to infections
Oxygen-ozone therapy*
Orthomolecular Medicine *
relaxation procedure *
Deep relaxation through hypnotherapy *
Bourneout testing *
CFS testing (chronic fatigue syndrome) *
Treatment of insomnia *
Life balance and rhythm Training *
Immune system-building therapy for susceptibility to infection *
Allergy testing and treatment for food intolerance *
Amalgam and heavy metal elimination *
Intestinal rehabilitation / symbiosis control *
cortisone-free neurodermatitis treatment *
retuning homeopathic allergy treatments*
tumor diseases
Alternative cancer therapies (mistletoe therapy, immunomodulation, high-dose vitamin C treatment) partly *
Alternative Cancer Therapy - Vitamin B17 Therapy (Amygdalin)*
Immunostimulating Procedures *
Oxygen-ozone therapy*
Orthomolecular Medicine *
autologous blood therapy *
diet change *
psycho-oncological consultation *
pain therapy
Medi-Tape *
hhp andullation therapy system - med. Massage table with infrared deep heat *
cupping *
neural therapy *
acupuncture *
Trigger point massage *
small fascia massage *
special offer
Immunsystemaufbauende Therapie bei Infektanfälligkeit *
Entgiftung verschiedener Toxine *
Fastenbegleitung *
Homöopathie *
Phytotherapie *
Therapie mit Heilpilzen *
Regenerationskuren für Senioren *
ganzheitliche Behandlungsstrategien bei Angst- und psychosomatischen Beschwerden *
assumption of costs
* IGel stands for "Individual Health Services". Individual health services are understood to be preventive and service medicine services that are not paid for by statutory health insurance (GKV) because they are not part of the GKV's catalog of services. These diagnostic and treatment methods are also offered to patients with statutory health insurance and must be paid for themselves if they are used.